If you ever had a really great idea on how to improve Sage 100 or Sage 500 but did not know how to communicate it, here is how you can.
Go to either of the following links and click on Sign Up to register for a login.
https://www5.v1ideas.com/TheSageGroupplc/sage100erp (Sage 100 ERP)
https://www5.v1ideas.com/TheSageGroupplc/sage500erp (Sage 500 ERP)
The only information required to register is your name, email address, and password. You will get a reply in your email granting you access to post. You won't get any sales e-mails from registering.
After you login, you can see all the ideas that have been posted by others and search to see if your idea has been submitted yet by typing in a description of the idea and clicking Search.
If you see your idea, you can click on it to read more about it. You can click on the Vote button to help get this idea turned into a planned idea. If you don't see your idea, you can click on Create Your Idea.
To Create Your Idea, type in the Subject and then details about your idea, a category, and then Create Idea. It doesn't take too long to see your idea posted on the web site. You can get others in your office to help promote your idea by voting on it as well. Ask us to put in a vote for your idea too. You can check back in on the progress to see how many others are voting on your idea.
You can see all the items you voted for in the My Votes tab. You can see the ideas that are in the works to become real on the Planned tab. You can also see all the Completed items that have come from your ideas.
It's an easy way to get your idea heard. Have fun.