Sage 100 Payroll Updates
Here are some reminders for Sage 100 and Sage 100cloud customers using older versions of Sage Payroll and that have not updated their software to Sage 100 2018 or later:
- Any customers that have not adopted Sage 100 Payroll 2.0 should do so by December 2019
- Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 will no longer be support in Sage 100 after 1/2020)
- Sage will issue one final tax table for the legacy Payroll version

Customers relying on legacy Payroll could find themselves in a situation where program changes are needed at year-end to print and access compliant tax forms and will have to migrate to Payroll 2.0 regardless. Not to mention missing out on new functionality:
Taxes in the cloud; Streamlined Tax Table update Process
Auto Check Reversal
Certified Payroll Reporting
Ability to process checks in the next quarter without closing the period; New features in Employee Maintenance and so much more.
Please reach out to RKL for any questions for your upgrade needs.
If you are on a Legacy Version please contact RKL for steps to upgrade and get you through year end.