Sage recently provided us with a glimpse of the future for both Sage 100 and 100cloud including development goals, new features planned in upcoming releases, and continued expansion of the ecosystem of connected apps. Let’s take a closer look at the road ahead for the Sage 100 product line.
Product Vision and Strategy
One word that describes all current and future product development goals is modernization. That applies to modernizing not only the underlying technology, but to the user experience when it comes to things like ease of use, screen navigation, and the installation process. It also means that if you need to migrate from Sage 100 or 100cloud to another Sage product, it will be as easy as updating.
On the technology side, Sage aims to create unparalleled integration of accounting, payments, and payroll in addition to an expansive collection of 3rd party products and cloud-connected apps to extend the power and functionality of your core accounting system.
See Also: Introducing Sage 100 2018
A Look at Future Releases
Here’s what Sage has in store in terms of new features expected over the next several months:
March 2018 - new features expected with the release of Version 2018.2 include moving the Timecard component of desktop payroll to the business framework, enhanced budgeting and planning functionality, integration with Office 365 for Sage 100 customer contacts, and a handful of time-saving enhancements for ease of use.
Sage 100 Timecard Entry
June 2018 - the release of Sage 100 and 100cloud Version 2018.3 will bring modernized cloud-based mobile time entry, artificial intelligence BOTS that respond to KPI inquiries, consolidated sales order invoicing, and a dedicated marketplace for finding Sage-connected and 3rd party apps.
September 2018 - the release of Version 2019 later this year will bring real-time bank feeds and auto-clearing integrated with bank reconciliation, eCommerce integration for online business and customer self-service, a “Google-like” global search engine for Sage 100, mobile employee expense management, modernization of the Work Order module, and much more.

A Note About Sage 100cloud
It’s worth pointing out that many of the planned enhancements and new features mentioned above will be exclusive to the Sage 100cloud product. While Sage is committed to supporting and allowing customers to continue using the traditional Sage 100 perpetual license product, most of the new development effort going forward will be focused on Sage 100cloud.
(Note: Sage 100cloud is the new name for what was formerly called Sage 100c)
As with any forward-looking projections, any of this information can change prior to actual live release of the respective product versions. And you can probably expect a collection of smaller enhancements to be included with each release that aren't mentioned here. But it does provide us with a good idea of where Sage 100 is headed now and into the near future.
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