This is a new enhancement in Sage X3 V12. It will allow you to generate Purchase orders for Services without Subcontracting.
There is a new Product Type field used on the Purchase Order lines and the entry transactions. There is a new Parameter, DEFITMKND that allows you to define the default service type at the user level.
You will want to use products that have a ‘Service’ Product Category. A Service category is used for Subcontracting or Bought services. Since a simple service can be managed in Purchasing, a service can be both purchased and sold even if the category is not deliverable.
The new parameter, DEFITMKND is under Setup > Users , Chapter ACH, Group ORD.
This is where you want to define the default service type that each user will use.
A new field ‘Product Type’ is available in several entry transactions:
In Purchase Orders, the product type field can be entered, displayed or hidden. For the other entry transactions it can only be displayed or hidden.
Here is an example of a Purchase Order Entry Transaction with the Product Type set to Entered:
Service Products on Purchase Orders must be defined with a Service category type and Bought category flow.
The product type on the Purchase order line determines whether the service is linked to a subcontract order.
If the product was not in a Service type Category then the product type would be Standard.
There are 3 values that can be in field Product Type:
Now you know how to set up and use service products in Purchasing.