Customer’s may return an order and request a refund on their Credit Card. Use the following steps to process a Customer Return, Credit Memo, and a Credit Card Refund to the Customer using the original Sage Exchange Authorization.
Expand Setup > Usage > Credit Card
Make sure “PAYCC” is setup for the ‘Credit Type’ on the Payment Gateway Setup
If a sales return occurs on an order originally paid by credit card, the corresponding credit invoice issued may be posted back to the original card through Sage Exchange.
Expand Sales > Returns > Customer Returns
Process the return through a Customer Return, using the left list ‘Select Shipments’ drawer to select the shipment being returned after first keying in the Ship-To customer. If the shipment does not appear in the drawer, call down the Options – Select Criteria window to recall a specific shipment for processing from the left list.
Click the Action Box and select Popup view to modify the line. Set the Credit Memo flag to Yes. If the return amount varied from the original, defaulted shipment amount, change the Returned value to match the actual quantity returned. Next, click the Create button to create the Sales Return document.
** Please note, when processing returns involving credits back through Sage Exchange, sales returns must be processed on a shipment by shipment basis when multiple shipment returns are involved.
The original debit invoice card authorization is displayed on the Right List.
Next, proceed to the Sales Invoices function (Sales > Invoices > Invoices).
Select the Credit Memo transaction type. Click the ‘New’ icon and enter in the Bill-To to be credited.
From the left list select ‘Return Selection’ and click on the sales return created in the prior step. Adjust the price, if needed, and click the Create button.
Click Post to process the credit invoice in X3, as well as capture the credit amount back to the cardholder through Sage Exchange.
The Log will display the Credit Memo Journal as well as the Refund.
The Credit Card Issue (PAYCC) will be in an “Entered” Status. Post the Credit Card Refund and review the GL Journal Entry.
Now you know the steps to process a credit card refund in Sage X3.
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