RKL eSolutions Blog

Unveiling the Future: Highlights from the AI Symposium 2024

Written by David Cieslak | Feb 5, 2024 3:33:26 PM

In January 2024, CPA.com and the AICPA orchestrated a groundbreaking event that brought together a diverse array of experts, technologists, practice leaders, and solution providers—the first-ever AI Symposium. This exclusive gathering aimed to unravel the intricate threads of artificial intelligence (AI) within the realms of accounting and finance.

The symposium kicked off with an unveiling of the "CPA.com Generative AI Toolkit," a valuable resource for navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of AI. Attendees were directed to explore further details at https://www.cpa.com/gen-ai, setting the stage for a day filled with enlightening discussions and presentations.

Keynote speakers, including Leah Li, Senior Advisor for Rep. Derek Kilmer in the US House of Representatives, delved into pivotal topics such as "AI Regulations and Outlook," "AI in Audit and Assurance," and "Generative AI Landscape and Ecosystem." The symposium also featured insights on "Exploring Responsible AI Industry Insights and Lessons Learned," courtesy of Alyssa Lefaivre Skopac, Head of Global Partnerships and Growth at the Responsible AI Institute, and a glimpse into the "Future of AI in Accounting and Finance" by Aaron Harris, CTO at Sage.

To provide a real-world perspective, leaders from prominent firms—Withum, Marcum, and Deloitte—shared specific AI strategies and use cases currently in implementation within their organizations. The day concluded with an interactive group session led by Kacee Johnson, VP Strategy & Innovation at CPA.com, and Jason Staats, President of Realize LLC. This session provided a platform for attendees to share feedback and engage in a collaborative dialogue, fostering an environment of shared learning and exploration into the future possibilities of AI in the accounting and finance sectors. The AI Symposium 2024 undoubtedly served as a pivotal moment in propelling the industry forward into the age of artificial intelligence.