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Implementing cloud financial software, part 1: The difference a partner makes

Written by RKL Team | Apr 21, 2016 6:37:00 PM

The phrase "tip of the iceberg" refers to the fact that most of an iceberg cannot be seen since it is underwater. When buying cloud financial software, something similar is true. You could pore over the spec sheets available online, read customer testimonials and watch product demos all day, but there would still be a lot about the application that you would not see, such as what happens during and after its implementation process.

For example, what happens once you complete your purchase? You will still need technical support over the long term, as well as options for strategic add-ons or additional automation functions beyond what comes standard with the product. This is where an experienced implementation partner is so useful.

Shopping for a new accounting or ERP system is as much about finding the right company as it is about picking an appealing application. In this two-part series, we will first dive into the broad benefits of having an experienced implementation partner, and then look at what professional help can do to maximize the value of existing cloud applications and support your financial processes.

The difference an implementation partner can make

Setting up a software-as-a-service solution can present unique challenges: It's not always as simple as clicking "buy" and being done. If SMBs take a DIY approach to things (i.e., without an experienced partner), SMBs in fields as diverse as entertainment and professional services often quickly run into issues such as:

  • Integrations: Does the new ERP system need to be connected to existing accounting and customer relationship management software? Not all SaaS platforms are equally easy to integrate, and vendors may charge a premium for assistance.
  • Customizations: Every organization is unique. As a result, it may have special needs that require a detailed assessment of any prospective solution's pros and cons, along with help in finding and setting up the appropriate add-ons.
  • Scoping: Implementation projects can be hard to keep on track. Without well-defined goals, awareness of budgetary constraints and proper scoping, an SMB can end up spending a lot more than it needs to just to get basic functionality.

We can see here how not having an implementation partner exposes SMBs to tons of risks in maintaining their cloud financial applications. So the next question, naturally, is what actually having such professional guidance can do for a company's bottom line and its peace of mind.

An implementation partner helps you get your cloud software up and running.

When working on implementation of software like Intacct, a top-notch partner provides:

1) Knowledge of business requirements
Close collaboration between an organization and its partner allows for discovery of what technologies and processes would be right for the current circumstances.

2) Nuanced evaluations and selections
A partner can help figure out if a specific solution will or won't cut it for that particular set of business requirements.

"With cloud financial software, buying is only the beginning."

3) Feasible implementation roadmaps
What milestones, deliverables and resources are needed to see the project through to completion? A partner can provide the detailed answers to these questions.

4) Help with integrations
As we noted above, integration can be a huge blind spot when it comes to cost and time spent. With the right help, however, SMBs can customize their existing software and craft new applications that maximize the utility of the new cloud-based solution.

5) Training and ongoing support
When it comes to software implementation, a big part of the "iceberg' we talked about pertains to what comes after the initial purchase. Businesses change over time, as do their requirements. Accordingly, training and other forms of support are integral to maintaining the value of cloud accounting software over the long haul. An accounting or ERP system is an investment that should continue to pay off even as a company grows and evolves, and this assistance ensures as much.

Buying is only the beginning. With an experienced partner on hand, implementation of cloud ERP software is much smoother, plus overcoming common challenges is tremendously easier. In the second part of this series, we will look at how having such a relationship can pay off even if you already have cloud software in place but need help in getting more out of it. We'll also explore how having dedicated support staff from your implementation partner can improve your financial operations.