RKL eSolutions Blog

How to Use the Product Traceability Feature in Sage X3

Written by LeeAnn Segan | Jun 6, 2024 2:29:00 PM

When utilizing lot-managed products in Sage X3, it may be necessary to run a traceability analysis of that specific product. Some industries have a set of standards that must be met when managing lot-managed products. The traceability options allow a company to track a particular lot's movement from destination to destination.

3 Ways to Track a Lot-Managed Product

A lot-managed product can be tracked in three ways: No Traceability, Summary Traceability, and Detailed Traceability.

No Traceability

If you choose no traceability, this means that no movement of a particular lot will be traced.

Summary Traceability

A summary traceability involves tracking one occurrence of the product. This will include the Product, Lot, Sublot, Site, Status, Document Type, and Document Number.

Detailed Traceability

Detailed traceability involves recording each stock movement. This means that multiple lines may occur for a single transaction.

How to Set Up a Detailed Traceability:

  1. Go to All > Common Data > Products > Products > Identification.
  2.   Define the level of traceability in the Management Section. In this example, I have entered the following:
    • Stock management: "Managed"
    • Management mode: "Available stock"
    • Traceability: "Detailed traceability"
    • Lot management: "Mandatory lot"

Running the Detailed Traceability Report

The detailed traceability activity is written and stored in a table called STOTRK.

  1. Go to All > Stock > Inquiries > Movements > Traceability > Selection.
  2. Choose the "Backward" or "Forward" option in Sign.
    • A Backward Sign will display the split of the selected lot into other lots. All of the events displayed will be linked to the specific lot.
    • A Forward Sign will display the transactions that led to the delivery of manufacturing for the specific lot.
  3. Product will be "Mandatory."
  4. Next, navigate to Lot.
  5. In the "Entry Type" field, select all or specify your chosen type of entry.
  6. Click on the "Criteria" button to select more options for the inquiry.
  7. Next, select the "Display sel." button from the list located on the right side to view your results.

This is an example of a detailed traceability report with the "Backward" Sign chosen:

To view the detailed tracking, click on the "Detail" button located on the right side of the list.

This is an example of a detailed traceability report with the "Forward" Sign chosen:

To view the detailed tracking, click on the "Detail" button located on the right side of the list.

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