RKL eSolutions | Insights, Tips and Trends from a top Sage Reseller and Technology Specialist

What Can We Do For You?

Written by RKL Team | Oct 7, 2013 1:10:38 PM

We want to be more to you than an IT company; more to you than a value-added reseller.

RKL eSolutions wants to be the business partner that enables you to innovate the delivery of your products and services, in order to help you lay hold of every possible market opportunity.

Innovations in Business Processes

RKL eSolutions can help guide your firm through innovations from research and development, through production, all the way through to delivery and after-market support. We can provide guidance that will help you improve quality and accelerate your time to market. We help you focus on reducing complexity—not adding to it—and can get you started down your own path of ongoing improvement.

Innovations in Supply Chain Management

We can work with you and your trading partners to help you gain a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced and challenging business environment. The RKL eSolutions team can help you gain greater insights in the value-chain in which you participate so that you may more effectively reach business goals while meeting customer needs in unique ways.

Innovations in Production

By helping your executive and management team unlock “tribal knowledge,” we are able to help you improve the performance of your manufacturing or service operations.

Innovations in Sourcing

Because we help you and your team think in new ways about how, when, where and why you do business as you do, we are also able to guide you through sound decision-making about in-sourcing or outsourcing, or even off-shoring or re-shoring.

A Guiding, Helping Hand

Unlike many consulting organizations, we actively refrain from “designing” and “implementing” operational or supply chain strategies and capabilities for you. Instead, we work with your executive and management team to unlock what you already know and allow you to see what you know in a fresh, new light. Then, working from the platform of your new insights, we help guide your team through the process of designing the solutions and bringing those new solutions into full effect.

This process assures that “buy-in” is inherent in every solution. After all, no one fights against the solution of their own design. No one sabotages the implementation that they sincerely believe is the means to their own success and growth.

We Understand Technology

Our goal is to help you design and implement solutions that are in accordance with the principle of “inherent simplicity.” That means we want, first of all, to seek the simplest means of effective improvement and, more often than not, that involves changes to business processes, policies and how people act or interact.

Frequently, the solutions we help our clients formulate involve no technological change at all. Sometimes, the resulting changes actually bring about less dependency on technology.

Even better: many of the solutions uncovered are very low cost or, even, no cost, to implement, and significant increases in throughput may be experienced as a result.

However, if the solution indicates that technological support may increase the ROI of the proposed improvement, then we can also help you source and select the most appropriate technologies. The goal should be to find technology that supplies what is both necessary and sufficient to achieve the end in mind. “Bells and whistles” should be ignored, if not avoided altogether.

Please give us a call at 717.735.9109 today to get started on helping your business make more money tomorrow than it is making today. Or, contact us directly via the Web.

Thank you.