Web services can be useful in providing real-time interfaces between any ERP System and an external third-party or custom application. Sage ERP X3 Web Services can expose custom or existing Sage ERP X3 objects and functions as web services.
In the next five days, we'll walk you through using the Web Services function to create SOAP pools, create and publish web services, test web services, create object-based web services, and create subprogram web services. For our first day, we'll focus on how to create a classic SOAP pool.
Once logged in to your Sage X3 instance, navigate to Administration > Administration > Web Services > Classic SOAP pools configuration.
The following screen will appear. If no web service pools have been created yet, there will be no entries in the list.
To add a new web service pool, click “New SOAP pool” from the Actions menu on the right.
Six fields require information to configure a new SOAP pool: Alias, Endpoint, Locale, User, Maximum size, and Initialization size. I'll define their purpose and the information I've entered in the example below:
Once you've finished entering the required information, click on "Actions" in the right-hand corner and then click “Save” to add the pool.
The new SOAP pool that I named "EXAMPLE" has appeared in the list of SOAP pools.
Now that your web service pool has been configured, you are ready to begin building and consuming X3 SOAP web services.
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